Week 07 and Were so Close to Finishing Animation

It's week 07 and we are READY for spring break.

We are so close to the end of the quarter, it's crazy how fast the time has flown. We have almost finished animation and officially are moving onto clean up next week. Not too much has changed since last week because we are just continuously animating and getting critiqued. Next week we should have a larger update with more content. Kate wasn't able to attend the Sunday meeting *gasp* and no pictures were taken. *cries*

Please enjoy this video of Jane, Maeve, and Maria trying to finish their work.

Special thanks to the Shed for being a quiet place to work when Monty gets super loud and crazy.


Sheryll said…
Wow!1 I had a great laugh watching this funny performance! You gals just are so full of energy!! OH TO BE young again.